Monday, December 10, 2012

Zurich - Weihnachtsmarkt

Snow.  Shopping.  Christmas carols.

It finally snowed last week and stuck around for a few days.  The ground was covered in several inches, the trees were flocked and it was really pretty!  Probably should've taken some pictures....  Anyhoo, we took the train to Zurich on Saturday to shop and hit another Christmas Market.  The main street was soggy and snowy but still teeming with wall-to-wall people. The department stores were a total cluster as well - at times we couldn't even move!  The light display was understated but very cool - there were strings upon strings of white lights draped across the street, which looked like twinkling stars.  And the snow gave it an extra wintery feel.



We went to a popular beer hall for a hearty late lunch/early dinner and to take a break from the cold.  They were serving some sort of beer concoction in liter-size wine glasses.  It was crazy!  The waiter first poured in some brown liquor, set it on fire and then added a liter of beer.  Not sure how people actually drank them (??) but we saw several go by our table.

The Christmas Market in Zurich was spread out throughout the city - a few wooden chalets here and there, but the traditional glühwein and local goods were still on offer.  Overall, it wasn't very big.  We stumbled across a "live singing Christmas tree" though and they were singing jazzy carols in English.


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