Sunday, December 16, 2012

Basel - Christmas Market

Tradition.  Lights.  Arts & Crafts.

Tis the season, and it is the season in Basel.  The Basel Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market), the largest in Switzerland, is in full swing.  Spreading across two plazas (Barfüsserplatz and Munsterplatz) the ~180 stalls are quite the site.  Each one looks like a stand alone store - some are quite large (think indoor restaurants in temporary wooden huts).  And as with all Christmas Markets in Europe, mulled wine is everywhere.

There is even a children's area with crafts and campfires.  What youngster wouldn't want to be a blacksmith for a night?

At night, the market glows with lights.  The stalls each have their own display, and the trees above Munsterplatz are filled with stars.

Like the market, the city's old town is also bright with various lights.  While not as extravagant as Strasbourg, it still makes for a festive atmosphere (especially with all the people out and about).

Adding to the holiday feeling, we also received our first snow of the season (there was a week where it barely warmed above freezing).  It isn't forecast to last long, but it really puts you in the Christmas mood.

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